California colleges have been home to several protests lately, but one that happened yesterday at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) seems to make sense.
Yesterday, university students broke into a UCSD library that had been closed over the summer due to budget cuts. They were not trying to steal or damage anything. They were not trying to make a political statement. They just wanted a place to study for finals.
They forced their way into what was formerly the Center for Library and Instructional Computing Services (CLICS) that was located in Galbraith Hall. CLICS was normally open 24 hours a day during finals so students were used to using it as a place to study.
UCSD adminitrators pulled the campus police away from CLICS most likely to avoid any violent confrontations. The administrators decided to let the students stay and study but had concerns about sanitation and security.
The students were clear that they just wanted a place to study and assured administrators that they would be out at the end of finals week.
The real issue is the massive budget problems that California is facing. Unfortunately, libraries are often one of the first targets for budget cuts. Three libraries at UCSD were some of the casualties. At least the students found a way to still use the library after it was closed. Although it’d be better if the college had an alternative solution that didn’t involve breaking into the library.
Wow I guess they really wanted a place to study. I only went to the college library to people watch and to look stressed.