When it comes to early childcare and education, there are a large variety of the items and methods of care and teaching you’ll find in daycares and preschools, which can, in turn, often become interchangeable terms. In general, these programs serve as the springboard for the learning that will be administered in early education. Still, most programs are heaped with a healthy dose of playtime that can sometimes overshadow educational elements. The best programs, however, learn to incorporate the two into each other, and that’s exactly what the non-profit Books for Kids is hoping to do in New York. [Read more…]
New York Libraries seek $1.1 billion for renovations
What do broken air conditioning units, burst pipes, and leaky ceiling tiles all have in common? They’re all problems commonly plaguing New York’s public libraries, for one. The issues are so prevalent now that city leaders have been forced to compile and release a report documenting the state of the libraries and their budget estimate for the money needed to get them fixed back up. [Read more…]
Sorority helps libraries celebrate Women’s History Month
This March, the Theta Epsilon chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma sorority will continue their tradition of bringing some powerful female flair to the children’s and young adult sections of their local libraries. The donated books highlight female achievements in history and powerful figures the sorority deems as role models. Some of the books aren’t necessarily historical, either, but simply feature strong female lead characters. [Read more…]
Palo Alto library funding group to dissolve after fundraising success
Palo Alto is known as a particularly affluent area of California. It is home to many tech entrepreneurs and was once the headquarters to social networking giant Facebook, the city has its claims to fame. Despite this, Palo Alto libraries had remained in a relatively sad state for some time. Most of the libraries a 30 years old or older, and lack the space needed for more modern program areas, or even simple facilities like study rooms. Some of the branches even lacked air conditioning – a daunting prospect considering that the area regularly receives 90 degree+ days. Some of the libraries were even shutdown for safety in the event of particularly hot summer weather. [Read more…]
Detroit libraries have less tax forms available than usual
When spring time rolls around each year, American taxpayers start to work on preparing their tax filings for the previous year. They dig out saved receipts, imagine what they might do if they anticipate a tax refund, and gather the appropriate forms. Unfortunately for those in the Detroit Metro area, libraries this year won’t be able to hand out as many forms as they have in the past. Due to budget cuts within the IRS, the agency is sending out fewer forms this year to neighborhood libraries. [Read more…]
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